2021 Goals

More or Less Carbs in 2021?

This is 2021 with many resolutions and change in lifestyle goals. Some condemn having resolutions every new year, some declare it works only for a few months, while others believe it is a must-have before the new year begins. Whether you decided at the beginning of the year or forgot to, you have TODAY! What that means is that; a change is possible at whatever time you decide to. Change in work habits, reading habits, committed levels of growth are goals people have at the beginning of the year. However, the one area we forget to address and check on is our eating habits.

Frequently we need to ask ourselves, “Am I eating right?” Do I eat too much or too little?” Am I eating a balanced meal? Do I ensure I take enough water every day? Am I taking enough vitamins? We know that anything responds the way we treat it, but we tend to forget this fact when it comes to our bodies and what we put inside it. With all these thoughts, I decided to share a little on the consequences of eating too many carbohydrates.

1. Carbohydrates basically are converted to sugar or glucose in the body. Though this gives energy to the body, too much consumption of carbs can lead to a spike in a person’s blood sugar level.
2. Consuming too many carbs can also lead to an increase in weight and belly fat. Many people visit the gym or have begun their exercises without really working on their diet. I can confidently say that weight can be lost by only changing your diet. Even if you’re not exercising but you’re eating right, weight can be lost. However, exercising is very good to stay fit and remind us of living that healthy life we have always wanted.
3. The more sugar you consume, the more you crave and the more difficult it is to part ways with it. I have understood that the more disciplined we are in one aspect of our lives, the simpler it is to be focused and disciplined in different areas of life and vice-versa.
4. Many sicknesses could be caused as a result of consuming more carbs. However, there are healthy carbs such as beans, lentils, oats, etc which can be replaced with sugary cereals, white bread, white rice, pasta, etc.

In this new year and month, you can decide to live a healthy food lifestyle. 

We have come up with a food timetable for a diet with low carbs here and it is completely FREE!  

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