Tag: Motivation

2021 Goals
Food and Cooking

More or Less Carbs in 2021?

This is 2021 with many resolutions and change in lifestyle goals. Some condemn having resolutions every new year, some declare it works only for a few months, while others believe it is a must-have before the new year begins. Whether you decided at the beginning of the year or forgot to, you have TODAY! What […]

Math and Food Love, Living

Rediscovering Mathematics

I’m passionate about Mathematics,  and of recent I’ve been thinking about how much the subject of mathematics is not just dreaded but underrated among students and even adults. The thought of mathematics as being abstract and inapplicable belittles the usefulness of science and its components. I say so because Mathematics is the foundation and the […]

Living, Book Reviews, Math and Food Love, Poetry


I was to tag this ‘Fly’ article, “It’s 2020 and you’re going to be okay”. I will share a story instead. I was to travel back after the holidays back to work. The holidays had been good. I mean after adding about 2kg, being in full control of how I expended my time, who would […]