Warmth in a Cup: Tea with Mint, Cinnamon, Ginger and Clove

Exploring tea is gradually becoming an enjoyable adventure for me, especially as the weather continues to change. Recently, I received a thoughtful gift of dry mint leaves, cinnamon, and cloves — ideal for crafting aromatic tea blends that also offer various health benefits. I used these to create tea which for me meant Warmth in a Cup

Intrigued, I decided to experiment with them. Combining cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, I pounded them in a mortar before steeping the blend in hot water with a touch of sugar. The result was very fragrant; what stood out to me was the distinct flavour, the enhanced ginger goodness, and the harmonious combination of the three ingredients.

Motivated by this, I decided to incorporate mint leaves into the concoction. The decision proved to be a game-changer, introducing a refreshing balance it. This mint-infused tea is also very soothing remedy, perfect for combating colds or embracing the onset of the harmattan season.

For those interested in trying this tea blend, here’s a simple recipe:

  1. Dry Mint leaves
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Fresh ginger
  4. Cloves

Combine these ingredients (using approximately half a teaspoon of each and a small amount of cinnamon) in a mortar, pounding until the mixture reaches your desired consistency. Pour the blend into your teacup, add hot water, and feel free to strain if preferred. Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste.

It’s worth noting that I opted for fresh ginger and cinnamon instead of the powdered counterparts for a more robust flavour. However, feel free to experiment with both and find what suits your palate best.

Are you intrigued enough to give this unique tea blend a try? I’d love to hear!



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