Month: March 2018

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Homemade Chinchin

I am always glad to bring good tidings of food to you! This Chinchin is an easy one to make(Well, asides the part where you cut the dough;) But a cutter makes it easy and fast). Whenever I am bored, I always need something to munch on and this weekend, I decided to make some […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Oatmeal Pancake

This is a breakfast delight! It is quite easy and can be made either on a week day or weekend. I also found out that one of the very important health benefits of oats is that it helps reduce cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. For those trying to eat healthy, this should […]

Living, Poetry

It is well

Peace my soul, oh Peace Why do you wander away? Where does your treasure lie? In the multitude of these troubles? Come back to me my treasure Find rest for your soul I wait for you my lover Come to drink of me Come and I will give you rest I am gentle and lowly […]