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Living, Poetry


The mountains were in close sight now. The Verde road amongst many other roads was the only one that was full of bumps, small rocks and potholes. Sodo and Fillia were tarred, smooth and easy to navigate through to the mountains. The mountains there were nothing close to Verde’s. My parents had told me about […]

Food and Cooking, Food Planning

Food Planning Tips

If you’re someone who appreciates the goodness of fresh food, you’re in good company. Fresh food adds a vibrant touch to your meals and allows you to enjoy unprocessed, healthy ingredients. While the benefits of fresh food are numerous, the reality of time can be a challenge, especially when life keeps you on the go. […]

Food and Cooking, Food Writing

10 Spices in my Kitchen

Hey there! Every kitchen has its own set of essentials that’s like your personal flavour profile and it’s unique to you. For me, spices are heroes in my kitchen. I have some of them that I absolutely can’t do without, as they transform ordinary meals into extraordinary ones. So, today I would like to talk […]

Food and Cooking, Food Writing

My Food Bucket List

Lately, I’ve been pondering about the foods I want to explore. Maintaining a food bucket list is a splendid idea because it allows one to dream, set culinary aspirations, and plot their food adventures. After all, how can anyone achieve anything without first dreaming of the possibilities? As a food enthusiast, I perpetually seek novel […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Refreshing Beet Pineapple Drink

Last week, I found myself with  fresh fruits from my local weekly market. I always try to make sure I include fruits in my weekly menu. I bought some beetroots at the market and I decided to make my classic pineapple and beets smoothie. It’s really, especially when the fruits are chilled, and the pineapple […]