Hey guys,

Hope the day is going well with you.  It’s Friday and I am excited about the week coming to an end!

We all know how good fruits are, the advantages cannot be over emphasized. Sometime ago, I stumbled on this website where you could do a test to know whether you have been eating healthy. After taking the test, I realized I had not been eating fruits and vegetables so necessary adjustments had to be made. One good thing about the test is that after you take it, there are tips on how you can improve your healthy eating. Though some of their foods are not Nigerian, you will still get a good assessment of some basic food intake like Fruits, Vegetables and Water. You can take the test here.

I have these two very easy recipes I have tried out .There is only a slight difference in the second type.

Fruit 1: Oranges
Fruit 2: Bananas
Fruit 3: Watermelon
Fruit 4: Apples
Fruit 5: Pawpaw                                                                                                            Fruit 6: Pineapple

Ingredient 6: Milk (for the second type)
Ingredient 7:Sugar(for the second type)
Ingredient 8:Water(for the second type)

Goal 1: Rinse all the fruits thoroughly with water
Goal 2: Squeeze out the orange juice from the orange.
Goal 3: Dice the Banana, Watermelon, Pawpaw and Apple into a bowl.
Goal 4: Pour the Orange juice into the diced fruits
Goal 5: Leave in the refrigerator to chill
Best served when chilled.

For the second type, pour the powdered milk and sugar into a cup and add very little water. Then pour the milk into the fruit salad after achieving Goal 4. Also leave in the refrigerator to chill.

N.B: Be careful to remove the seeds where applicable.

What other fruit salad recipes you have tried?


Photo credit:Flickr 


    • Hi Ayomiposi, blending them together would make a smoothie/juice. Will write something on that soon.

  1. Nice one ayobambo, I’m Osang Samson. Stumbled on your blog I’m very much proud of you. Keep it up dear

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