
Living, Poetry

Happy Easter!

Hey there, So glad to be alive and well to see another Easter! This season, we are reminded of God’s incredible and redeeming love. Jesus comes down all for us to show us how much he loves us and makes us heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. When we take a deep look and […]

Living, Poetry

It is well

Peace my soul, oh Peace Why do you wander away? Where does your treasure lie? In the multitude of these troubles? Come back to me my treasure Find rest for your soul I wait for you my lover Come to drink of me Come and I will give you rest I am gentle and lowly […]

Living, Poetry


Look at the skies, see how beautiful The heights are undiscerning The width is unfathomable See the oceans, how peaceful With depths unknowing and beautiful horizon Leaves me in wonder and awe Even the trees, so tall and big, having life is wondrous How carbon(iv)oxide is their breath is breathtaking They have no one who […]

Living, Poetry

The Mountains

Hi folks, I am so glad to have you stop by to read again! It means a lot to me. Though this is a short post, I wrote this piece inspired by the beautiful mountains surrounding where I stay. During the rainy season after it rains, the mountains are covered with clouds and the sight […]

Living, Poetry


A beautiful picture to behold with a comment “sketch it… Yes or No?” Responding I said, “Yes I think you should”. The reply was appalling. “I need to feel an urge before I draw it”.’ Do you need to feel motivated before you make a drawing? ’ I replied. A lot of times, we lay […]