A beautiful picture to behold with a comment “sketch it… Yes or No?” Responding I said, “Yes I think you should”. The reply was appalling. “I need to feel an urge before I draw it”.’ Do you need to feel motivated before you make a drawing? ’ I replied.

A lot of times, we lay low about the little gifts and things we have. We feel relaxed and need motivation before we do things. A friend needs help and we think to ourselves “l don’t feel I should help ”.
We have lots of deposits on our inside and don’t have to wait for the urge before we do those things. Lives can be saved, and the world becomes a better place to live in when we choose to live above our feelings and do the right things.
Make the world a better place, shine for others to see. Don’t be comfortable with the present but make a difference by rising above urge.


Photo credit: Pixabay


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