Pineapple and Watermelon Smoothie

Happy weekend lovelies!

This weekend has been full of work for me, trying out various recipes, taking pictures which are a bit challenging but we keep getting stronger and better! I am glad to have you here and for the next few weeks, I will be posting smoothie recipes for you to try out. The importance of fruits to our health cannot be overemphasized. If you’re being careful of what you eat(fitfam family ;), this is also for YOU!

Apart from fruit salad which you can read about here, you can make smoothies which is pure fruit and is just as healthy as eating the fruit. For smoothies, ensure you buy ripe watermelon and pineapple so that it is sweet and not sour.

Please try it and let me know what you think! 





Electric Blender/Fruit maker



Rinse and cut your fruits into small chunks.

Put them into the blender and blend together.

Serve chilled!

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