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Recipes, Food and Cooking

Pepper Soup Yam Porridge

I am always happy to post new recipes and try out new things just for YOU! I have been having some issues with my photographing but I hope to get a new camera soon and expect better pictures 😉 This Pepper soup yam porridge is everything you need for the cold weather! Back in secondary […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Mixed Macaroni and vegetables

Hello Friends, I have been thinking about an appropriate name to give this should it be called Fried macaroni like Fried rice or Mixed Macaroni with shredded chicken or what do you think? Macaroni is basically pasta (like spaghetti) that’s shaped in different shapes and sizes. It is a fun, delicious meal to make and […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Watermelon and Banana Smoothie

It’s been a week full of smoothies and fruits. I hope this has sparked some inspiration for healthy things to try out. While thinking about the ones I have posted here, here, here and here, I realized I have not posted any drink/smoothie with oranges knowing oranges are available almost all year round. If you […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Pineapple Drink

I am constantly amazed at how a refreshing pineapple drink can be especially when made yourself. There are various ways to make a pineapple drink. This is one of the ways and it is not stressful at all. Did you know that pineapple speeds up the healing of wounds, boosts immunity, prevents cancer amongst many […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Coconut pineapple smoothie

Hello everyone, This smoothie is quite easy and healthy. With the pineapple, I am using coconut again. I found out that there is a lot that can be done with coconut and I am loving it already. We use the milk here without the shaft because we are making a drink. The processed coconut milk […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Coconut fried rice

Hi folks, I am glad to be sharing this with you! How have you been? I really want to know! 😉 Recently, I realized there’s a lot that can be made with coconut. We can make coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut flour, shredded coconut and so much more. I will be sharing my recipes of […]

Living, Poetry

Happy Easter!

Hey there, So glad to be alive and well to see another Easter! This season, we are reminded of God’s incredible and redeeming love. Jesus comes down all for us to show us how much he loves us and makes us heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. When we take a deep look and […]

Food and Cooking, Recipes

Homemade Chinchin

I am always glad to bring good tidings of food to you! This Chinchin is an easy one to make(Well, asides the part where you cut the dough;) But a cutter makes it easy and fast). Whenever I am bored, I always need something to munch on and this weekend, I decided to make some […]