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Food and Cooking, Food Writing

Onion Eater or Hater?

“I won’t be able to eat the noodles,” she said. Her friend tried to convince her that the aboki made the best noodles for his customers all the time. “He puts onions in his food, right? I can’t stand the taste of onions in my food!” I had overheard two ladies talking, and wasn’t surprised […]

Math and Food Love, Living

Rediscovering Mathematics

I’m passionate about Mathematics,  and of recent I’ve been thinking about how much the subject of mathematics is not just dreaded but underrated among students and even adults. The thought of mathematics as being abstract and inapplicable belittles the usefulness of science and its components. I say so because Mathematics is the foundation and the […]

Living, Book Reviews, Math and Food Love, Poetry


I was to tag this ‘Fly’ article, “It’s 2020 and you’re going to be okay”. I will share a story instead. I was to travel back after the holidays back to work. The holidays had been good. I mean after adding about 2kg, being in full control of how I expended my time, who would […]

Living, Poetry

Twenty-six crossroads

Briskly walking through the hallway, excited and exhilarated, the next door was opened for me. All my life, I’ve had to enter through several doors. Each one had written on it, “Hora.” There were some strict rules guiding the hallway. You only enter once and never return. You also didn’t know how many doors you […]

Food Writing

Grow a Garden, My Friend!

As a young girl, one of the things I found myself loving about food is; you can be a part of the whole process. From planting to nurturing to harvesting and to cooking, I find it intriguing that one can plant peppers, vegetables and fruits somewhere in the house and tend until it becomes what […]

Food Planning

Sedentary worker and eating wrongly?

After a long time of trying to get to know me, I finally found what makes me happy. It’s food, people! Food makes me happy. Eating food, good food, locally made food. Never stale food, hot food, happy food. Well, with this expensive lifestyle of loving food, while some of us are even struggling to […]

Food Reviews

Mo’s Crispy Plantain Chips Review

The year would soon be over and I almost cannot believe it! Wow! A lot has happened in the year –Good, Joyful, bad, disappointing, but we’re getting stronger daily because it’s all working out! It might be in slow progressions, but you know that the most important is that you’re moving, right? Remember how I […]

Math and Food Love

Puzzled by Algebra

Puzzled by Algebra ♫♫ Love it or hate it, you gotta learn it ♫♫♫ Heard that hit? You must reallyyyy be a 21st-century baby if you’ve never heard that. Just kidding. I wrote the song but never sang it. Or liked it. Or wanted it. There are some things we all have in our lives […]