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Food and Cooking, Food Writing

Teas: Yay or Nay?

Hey everyone, How’s the world treating you today? Lately, the thought of tea has been on my mind more frequently, likely due to the rainy weather and the cold that’s settled in this season. Interestingly, I haven’t always been a tea enthusiast or a big fan, but as of late, I’ve noticed myself gravitating towards […]

Food and Cooking, Food Writing

Are flowers edible?

Hello there! Apologies for the long break! Thank you for your patience through this long break! How are you doing?  Earlier today, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a fascinating post by a woman living in the countryside. Let me just say, I absolutely adore countryside homes and all the nature that surrounds them. […]

Living, Poetry


The chirping sounds of the birds as they perched on the tree awakened me from sleep. I could not but notice the sun as it rose beautifully across the mountains. Towards the east, I could see the mountains closer than when I first started the journey. At the beginning of the journey, my goal was […]

Living, Poetry


The roads in town are usually busy. People trying to get to their destinations, in no time. I was walking down when I saw Espera sitting at the corner of Verde, the road that leads straight to the mountains. Everyone in Verde knows Espera because he’s been on that road for a long time. He’s […]

Living, Poetry


“Why is this happening to me” may be the question in your heart. These are usually our thoughts when in trying times. As Christians, sometimes, we think we are exempted from challenges. We forget our prayers of “use me, Lord!” “Refine me, Lord!” We forget that these prayers gave the Goldsmith access to do whatever […]