Look at the skies, see how beautiful

The heights are undiscerning

The width is unfathomable

See the oceans, how peaceful

With depths unknowing and beautiful horizon

Leaves me in wonder and awe

Even the trees, so tall and big, having life is wondrous

How carbon(iv)oxide is their breath is breathtaking

They have no one who takes care of them, yet an unseen hand does it all


Who is he? Where is he?

The one who does it all

The one who makes life beautiful

I see you oh unseen, in your works, I see you

Beyond the skies is where you are

Show me your beauty, for I am too sure my mind can’t comprehend your beauty

Show me your glory!

For there is your unseen face

How are great are you!

Your comments are like water to my thirst. Let me know what you think!