Inspiration Tuesday: Food blogs that have inspired me

Before I started blogging, I read a lot about great bloggers that started out before me. I discovered there were a lot of awesome blogs. It dawned on me that, posting creative and engaging content is really a time-consuming task and then going ahead to bring out novel ideas, testing the idea and finally coming out with a new recipe is another time taking activity on its own.  I certainly appreciate the writers, content creators, bloggers and also newbies like myself for the hard work we put into what we do. However, there are some who inspire me and make me look forward to seeing their posts. Being a start-up in the food blogging niche, I realized I had to get mentorship on how content is created and delivered by learning and observing those who have excelled and are globally recognised today as a success in the food industry.









A resonating denominator amongst all the world-renowned bloggers in the food community is that, they all found a niche for themselves in the competing world of food creativity. Creating for yourself a métier that is first, not popular and also where one you can succeed is super important in whatever field of life. I appreciate all these women for the work they do and the inspiration they bring to neophytes like me.

(Side note: It’s not a gender thing. I just haven’t seen on many male food writers and will appreciate if you can drop links of amazing men below).

After my consistent follow-up and appraisal of the content these great minds have been churning out, I really appreciate the writing and thought process of some these bloggers. The Pioneer woman whose show airs on food network and is also a successful food content creator writes in a very relaxed, witty and epigrammatic way. I usually look forward to her blog posts, as well as her social media posts.

Lastly, the reality that a picture is worth a thousand words cannot be over emphasized and today most online content creators leverage on visual engagement with their followers. These content creators have awesome pictures that keeps me going back to their websites. The quality, food plating and captivating photos keep me going back to read their posts and try out their recipes.

I also hope some day soon I will also be listed by a neophyte as a constant source of inspiration to those who chose to embark on the journey of food storytelling and recipe sharing.

Your Favourite Girl,


Much Love ..XOXOX



  1. I know you are going places. I always look forward to reading your articles. Every one of them is born out deep research and I commend you for that.

  2. I’m glad that we’re thinking in this direction. . I don’t expect the journey to be easy but following successful people in this field helps to set goals and standards to work with. . Which can be improved on … well done

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