Coconut pineapple smoothie

Hello everyone,

This smoothie is quite easy and healthy.
With the pineapple, I am using coconut again. I found out that there is a lot that can be done with coconut and I am loving it already. We use the milk here without the shaft because we are making a drink. The processed coconut milk is also sold at stores and big supermarkets just in case you don’t want to go through the stress of making your own milk.

When your pineapples are frozen, it gives the smoothie a bit thicker texture than when it is not frozen. Either way, you have to chill after blending together so have a nice one (except if of course, you do not take cold drinks.)

Below are some health benefits of coconut:
1. It keeps hair and skin healthy, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots
2. It increases thyroid production
3. It can kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

Coconut milk

Electric Blender/Fruit maker

Rinse and cut your pineapple into small chunks.

Put into the blender, pour the milk(s much as you desire) and blend together.

Serve chilled!

Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

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