Are flowers edible?

Hello there!

Apologies for the long break! Thank you for your patience through this long break! How are you doing? 

Earlier today, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a fascinating post by a woman living in the countryside. Let me just say, I absolutely adore countryside homes and all the nature that surrounds them. The fields, the animals, the picturesque landscapes – they’re like a dream come true! Honestly, I can’t help but wonder if the countryside might just be the perfect destination or a settling spot for me someday. Who knows!

But let’s get back to the story of the lady living in the countryside. For me, she’s a true culinary magician, whipping up fresh dishes from the raw ingredients she gathers right from her very own house! From eggs to meat to milk, she creates eye-catching recipes that are simply drool-worthy.

However, it was her latest post that truly blew my mind. She was out in her garden, gently plucking some exquisite flowers. At first, I thought, “Oh, she must be showing off the beautiful flowers in her home.” But to my greatest amusement, I discovered she was about to use these very flowers to make a Jelly recipe! And guess what? The star ingredient was none other than the delicate and enchanting lilac flower! I couldn’t believe my eyes – lilac is more than just a colour; it’s an edible flower with culinary potential!

Now, this got me thinking, do you ever wonder if flowers can be eaten? Before this, I was entirely unaware that flowers could grace our plates and tantalize our taste buds. But guess what? After a brief research, I realized many flowers are actually edible! Yes, you heard me right! They’re not just for admiring; they can be transformed into teas, drinks, and even delectable baked goods. Imagine the possibilities!

Some of the more common edible flowers include nasturtiums, roses, elderflower, chamomile, hibiscus, and of course, our newfound star, the lilac! However, let’s not get too carried away in the floral wonderland just yet. It’s crucial to bear in mind that not all flowers are safe to eat, and some might even be toxic. So, before you choose to eat just anyone, make sure to verify the edibility of the flower.

Now, I can’t help but be curious – have you ever used edible flowers in your cooking or recipes? If so, I’d absolutely love to know your experiences and discoveries. Share your stories with me!

Your fellow foodie,



  1. Country side homes are good, but not in this current Nigeria insecurity issues. Plus this is the first time I am learning that flowers are edible.

    This article is a Good read

  2. Lovely piece. Our popular zobo drink in Nigeria is made from flowers and I love camomile which is usually made into a tea that is great when you need to unwind and relax or rest

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